Where Is the Flag on the Moon Google Maps

L.M. Reid is an Irish writer who has published many articles in magazines and online.

How to use Google Earth to explore the moon online from home

How to use Google Earth to explore the moon online from home

How to Use Google Planet Applications

You have access to all the many wonderful free Google applications on your computer to view the planet and stars. You will be amazed at how awesome they are. I use them all the time. Take a trip to the planet Mars and the Moon online.

Learn how you can download any of these Google Applications easily and quickly. I have written this article to give you a brief outline of each app so that you can start to take advantage of all these wonderful tools.

What Is Google Earth?

With Google Earth, everyone has access to places all over the world for free. The company can do this with Google Earth because they have satellite images of varying resolutions of the Earth's surface. Google Earth is now available in thirty-seven languages.

With Google Street View they sent cars around every street in the world and took images. You can now view many buildings and structures in fantastic 3D around the world. Images on Google Earth are free to view to anyone with access to a computer and the internet. Google Sky, Mars, Moon, and Ocean have many benefits for education and fun.

How to Use Google Earth

If you want to travel but stay closer to home, you can travel around the Earth online. The best thing about it is that you can download it on your laptop for you to use whenever you want.

You can also use Google Earth in Sky Viewing Mode, or download one of their other planet apps: Google Mars, Google Ocean, Google Sky, and Google Moon.

Learn how the moon is mapped by scientists

Learn how the moon is mapped by scientists

What Is Google Sky?

How to Use Google Sky

You can look at the stars, study planets, and galaxies. Look at the satellites live that orbit the earth.

  • It lets you view planets, stars, constellations, galaxies, and asteroids from your computer.
  • You can also chart major satellites and their orbits
  • You can take a virtual tour of the Moon and Mars online.
  • There are 13,000 Satellites around Earth and you can see the images that they relay back to earth.
  • These images are amazing.
  • View these live images on Google Sky any time you want from your computer

Download Google Sky Walk

You have the whole universe and its galaxies planets and stars at your disposal. Explore what you like when you like from the comfort of your own home online.

What Is Google Moon?

How to Use Google Moon

Google Moon allows you to view and discover the Moon. There are lots of fantastic images for you to enjoy here too. Many of the images were taken during the Moon Landings over the years and from the spacecraft as they orbited the Moon. They are all available to you from your computer because Google Moon lets you land and walk on the Moon. You can discover the Moon at your leisure.

We have the advantage of the Moon landings and all the images and equipment that were left there. If you want to experience what the landings were like for the astronauts then take a tour that is actually narrated by those very astronauts.

While you are there then take a look at the models of the spacecraft they are talking about in 3D. Awesome! There have also been many spacecraft that have orbited the Moon that has relayed some great information and images.

Explore the Moon with Google Earth

  • Take a tour of landing sites on the moon, narrated by Apollo astronauts
  • View 3D models of landed spacecraft
  • Zoom in to 360-degree photos to see astronauts' footprints
  • Watch rare TV footage of the Apollo missions

Explore the Moon with the Google Moon

If you use the Google Moon App then you can see the equipment and the flag left behind after the first Moon Landing in 1969. There are even still footprints there where Astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong walked on the surface of the moon.

Explore the Moon with Google Sky

There are great features of the free applications within Google Sky. They are all awesome and easy to use. Download them within Google Earth or from the direct links below

How to Use Google Mars

What Is Google Mars?

You can look at the terrain on the planet in 3D. Google has included fantastic photos that the Spacecraft MRO had taken from orbiting the planet. There are two Mars Exploration Rovers named 'Spirit' and 'Opportunity'.

Explore Mars with Google Mars

The Spacecraft MRO orbited Mars and the images it sent back to Earth are awesome. You can see them here. NASA has many images that have been downloaded by Google Mars for all to enjoy. You can also take a virtual tour of the planet.

Two Mars Exploration Rovers called 'Spirit' and 'Opportunity' were landed on Mars and these have been roaming the planet taking photos for years. You can walk the route that they have taken and see the planet's surface with its mountains, volcanoes, and other terrains.

  • View Google images downloaded by NASA.
  • Take an interactive tour of Mars, narrated by Ira Flatow or Bill Nye.
  • View 3D rover models and follow their tracks to see high-resolution 360-degree panoramas.
  • View famous landmarks on Mars, such as the Face on Mars or Olympus Mons.
How to explore The Planet Mars on your computer

How to explore The Planet Mars on your computer

What Is Google Ocean?

With Google Ocean, you can take a trip underwater and visit the oceans of the world, and view in 3D. It allows you to view and discover the oceans.

Or with Google Ocean, you can focus your eyes and research downward and visit and travel under the oceans of the earth. You can even take a virtual trip online down to the ocean where the ship The Titanic is resting. You can move around the wreck and see it for real!

How to Use Google Ocean

  • Visit the deepest part of the ocean, the Mariana Trench
  • View the ocean with top marine experts, including National Geographic
  • Learn about ocean observations, climate change, and endangered species
  • Discover new places including surf, dive, and travel hotspots and shipwrecks

A Note on Google Image Privacy

The very fact that anyone who has access to a computer, the internet, and therefore Google can use it to view images all over the world and beyond does bring up the issue of privacy and security. National Security issues have been raised by many countries to Google because Google Earth provides information about military or other critical installations that could be used by terrorists.

The privacy of individuals is also an ongoing debate especially with the images on Google Street View. But these apps are already on the internet for all to use. So why not take advantage of them by downloading Google Earth for free? You will be amazed at what is available and the fun you can have.

Any image on Google Earth is made from copyrighted data, which under United States Copyright Law, may not be used except under the licenses Google provides. But luckily for us users, they allow us to copy and paste the photos onto our blogs and websites as long as we assign Google Images the credit.

Download Google Earth

  • Google Earth 6.1 free Download
    Click here to download Google Earth 6.1 for PC, Mac, or Linux

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author's knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

Tarek Nofal. from Kuwait on January 13, 2016:

very excellent viking

L M Reid (author) from Ireland on May 18, 2012:

Thanks for reading Nwaogu, Yes I can spend hours on these Google apps.

Nwaogu Nelizeta Ijeoma on May 13, 2012:

Very interesting, I like this

L M Reid (author) from Ireland on February 19, 2012:

Thank you everyone for reading and taking the time to leave a comment.

Street View and Sky are my favorites at the moment. But I use them all

Zulfiqar Mahmood on December 30, 2011:

Very important everyone who like to about the world

anura goonawardhana on November 24, 2011:

very important for student and all who like aboutworld

CP Harikumar on November 20, 2011:


jaswant on October 05, 2011:

very very brilliant

seef on October 04, 2011:

that is v.gooooooood

Saeed Ur Rehman on September 18, 2011:

oh thnx g i need this softwere for my work thnx a lot

StephenSMcmillan on September 03, 2011:

Useful and informative hub!Thanks.

varma on August 30, 2011:

very very brilliant

MAYTEH on August 27, 2011:


EMINEM on June 30, 2011:

this map is usefull for tourist

s good invention

mukesh mishra on April 18, 2011:

I am a teacher and I want to explain my students through this programme.No other programme in the world best like this

N jagan on December 14, 2010:

very good indeed for every one

KLeichester on December 13, 2010:

Nice and cool. All good for me. Thanks.

eventsyoudesign from Nashville, Tennessee on October 29, 2010:

I love Google earth. If I go to Google moon will I be able to see the space station that my husband says the government has placed up there? He says if it is not government than it is alien space station. I have not finished looking at the videos you provide, but they add a nice touch.

L M Reid (author) from Ireland on August 28, 2010:

Thanks for reading the hub humagaia and for the link. Your hubs on Google Maps are excellent and you certainly know a lot about the subject. I have linked to all your Google hubs on mine too

L M Reid (author) from Ireland on August 28, 2010:

Yes kaltopsyd Google really is amazing and I use them all the time. Try the Google Ocean, it is fantastic

Charles Fox from United Kingdom on August 27, 2010:

These features are all great and can be accessed through Google Maps also. For that reason I shall be linking from my Maps hubs.

kaltopsyd from Trinidad originally, but now in the USA on August 25, 2010:

Ooh, I've never heard of those (with the exception of Google Earth). That is really interesting. Thank you so much for informing me. I'll have to look into those for the sole purpose of 'adventure.'

L M Reid (author) from Ireland on August 23, 2010:

Hello Mutiny, yes Google Earth is amazing.

I love Street View myself because it is so realistic. I haven't used the Google Ocean one properly yet but have seen some great videos of what can be achieved so looking forward to having a go.

L M Reid (author) from Ireland on August 23, 2010:

billyaustindillon Thanks for reading the hub. I agree about the privacy issues with Google Earth and Street View.

Privacy is a major problem with lots of things we all do on the internet. But I have to be honest even though I am wary of this issue I really could not do without using the internet on a daily basis.

Mutiny92 from Arlington, VA on August 23, 2010:

wow! I did not know that some of those tools existed. Thanks for the very informative article.

billyaustindillon on August 22, 2010:

On the security issues I also think the privacy is a huge thing with the cars driving around taking photos and checking IPs - very big brother.

billyaustindillon on August 22, 2010:

Great Hub - all I knew about was Google Earth and you have presented it so nicely and easily to follow for the downloads.

L M Reid (author) from Ireland on August 20, 2010:

Thanks Dobson and nbbatt for reading the hub. I know. it truly is great that we can explore anywhere we want now through Google and the internet.

I love it myself. Sometimes spending hours just traveling to places I might have read about in the news and then getting a better view.

L M Reid (author) from Ireland on August 20, 2010:

Leanman and Wnedy thanks for reading and your comments. Google certainly have a lot of stuff we can use, I love Google Street view and Google sky myself

L M Reid (author) from Ireland on August 20, 2010:

Thanks Zannie10 and Nell for reading and your comments. Yes it really is fasinating all the stuff yo can do with Googl Earth and they are creating new things all the time. Its free too which is also great

nbbatt.com from bear, de, 19701 on August 20, 2010:

Nothing to say, wow Fantastic. Imagine how to see at another world side from own home.

Dobson from Virginia on August 20, 2010:

It is amazing just how we can view our world in this 21st Century. While we still cannot physically be places in instants we can go there virtually at any time and see bascially anything we choose. Very neat. Great job showing what is available.

Wendy Henderson from Cape Coral on August 19, 2010:

Very, very cool.

Tony from At the Gemba on August 19, 2010:

I had no idea that there were all of these other things that you could look at on google earth..

Great hub..

Nell Rose from England on August 19, 2010:

Hi, now you have done it! lol I am always on Google Earth looking up places around the world etc, now you have just given me at least another 3 hours of watching! ha ha I am not going to get anything done now, I am addicted to Google Earth, thanks for the great info, cheers nell

Zannie10 on August 18, 2010:

Cool! I find this stuff fascinating! Thanks for sharing!! :)

L M Reid (author) from Ireland on August 18, 2010:

Thanks for your comments K9keystrokes. Yes Google Earth certainly has a lot to offer to the armchair traveller like myself. The videos are very good and very informative.

India Arnold from Northern, California on August 18, 2010:

Super cool videos! Google is the thing to learn and this hub certainly helps! Thanks for a well done hub.


L M Reid (author) from Ireland on August 18, 2010:

Thanks for reading and your comments it is much appreciated. Yes I was delighted there were so many great videos on You Tube, they really explain how to use the Google applications.

drbj and sherry from south Florida on August 18, 2010:

Excellent information and great, great videos. Thank you, viking.

Where Is the Flag on the Moon Google Maps

Source: https://turbofuture.com/internet/Google-Sky-Google-Moon-Google-Ocean-are-images-on-Google-Earth-5#:~:text=Explore%20the%20Moon%20with%20the,first%20Moon%20Landing%20in%201969.

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